RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from information science in a wide sense. The RCIS 2025 Doctoral consortium aims to offer a supportive learning opportunity for PhD students in the early stage of their research on Information Science related problems to discuss their work in progress and to receive feedback and guidance from the RCIS 2025 audience. A panel of senior researchers in the field of information science will serve as mentors during the Doctoral Consortium sessions.
Doctoral students that are somewhere in the middle of their research are invited to submit extended abstracts of their work and participate in the dedicated sessions. The topics eligible for extended abstract submissions are the same as that of the RCIS 2025 and include:
Information Systems and their Engineering
User-Oriented Approaches
Data and Information Management
Enterprise Management and Engineering
Domain-specific IS Engineering
Data Science
Information Infrastructures
Reflective Research and Practice
Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the conference main topics.
Interested PhD students are invited to submit papers, in agreement with their supervisors, addressing the following instructions. Please bear in mind that we are not prescribing a specific structure of sections; we just expect that you cover these topics in the paper. The maximum length of the paper should be ten pages, including references, appendices, etc. and include the following:
Keep in mind that for reviewers the most important is to understand the problem you are addressing, the motivation for it, the proposed solution, and the research methodology that you intend to apply.
Submissions must be single-author (PhD student only) and indicate the name of the supervisor after the conclusion and before the references section. Students should mention if they have presented their work in former Doctoral Consortiums in other conferences.
Papers shall be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word): https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines. Submissions must be single-author (PhD student only) and indicate the name of the supervisor after the conclusion and before the references section. Students should mention if they have presented their work in former Doctoral Consortiums in other conferences.
Authors of accepted submissions will submit the camera-ready version using the same format as the initial submission (some additional instructions might be issued at this stage). The reviewers’ comments shall be taken into account in the camera-ready paper. Authors will receive information on the presentation, and how to register for the conference. There will be a discounted registration fee for Doctoral Consortium students.
The accepted papers will be published in a Springer LNBIP volume, along with the other papers accepted for RCIS 2025. This will give visibility to the work of the doctoral student and contribute to building their Curriculum Vitae.
The submission site is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rcis2025. On submission, you will be asked to select a track. Please choose the “RCIS Doctoral Consortium 2025” track.
By submitting a Doctoral Consortium paper, doctoral students commit that they will attend the conference to present their research. The appearance of a paper in the Springer proceedings is dependent on the registration of the author within the early registration deadline.
The review and decision of acceptance will be based on the opinions of at least two reviewers. Several factors will be considered, including the quality of the proposal, the clarity of the paper, and the stage within the doctoral education program. The selection process will, when possible, maximize a good coverage of the topics of the conference and the diversity of participants' background, research objectives, and research methods. In case of high number of submissions, students who have not yet presented their work in other Doctoral Consortiums will be given priority.
Paper submission deadline: | February 5, 2025 |
Notification to authors and registration opening: | March 17, 2025 |
Camera-ready paper deadline: | March 26, 2025 |
Author registration deadline: | March 26, 2025 |
Students will present their work to the participants with substantial time allowed for discussion and questions by participating researchers and other students. The discussion will be guided by two members of the committee of senior researchers acting as mentors, who will play the role of proposal discussant together with another PhD student that has been accepted at the Doctoral Consortium.
Each student will be invited to carefully read another accepted Doctoral Consortium paper and prepare a few questions to be discussed during the Doctoral Consortium sessions. The papers will be assigned in advance such that the students will have sufficient time to review the paper and prepare their questions.
The consortium sessions will have an informal and friendly atmosphere where every participant is encouraged to be actively involved in the discussion, the core objective being to learn how to conduct excellent research, as well as provide and receive useful feedback to improve one’s work.
João Araujo
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Nora Koch
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
To be announced
Carina Alves
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Cristina Cachero
Universidad de Alicante
Emilio Insfran
Universitat Politècnica de València
Gustavo Rossi
LIFIA/Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Jean-Michel Bruel
University of Toulouse
Jolita Ralyté
University of Geneva
Jose Luis de la Vara
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Maribel Yasmina Santos
University of Minho
Miguel Goulão
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Nelly Condori Fernández
Universidad Santiago de Compostela
Renata Guizzardi
University of Twente
Said Assar
Institut Mines-Telecom Business School
Selmin Nurcan
Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne
Sergio Firmenich
University of Loyola Andalucía
Xavier Franch
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya