
19th Research Challenges in Information Science

Advancing Information Science and Information Systems Quality in the Era of Complexity

Seville, Spain, 20-23 May, 2025

Call for Doctoral Consortium
To be announced

for more information, contact webmaster

Research Challenges in Information Science Series
RCIS-2007 | RCIS-2008 | RCIS-2009 | RCIS-2010 | RCIS-2011 | RCIS-2012 | RCIS-2013 | RCIS-2014 | RCIS-2015 | RCIS-2016 | RCIS-2017 | RCIS-2018 | RCIS-2019 | RCIS-2020 | RCIS-2021 | RCIS-2022 | RCIS-2023 | RCIS-2024