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May 2, 2022: Reception & Gala Dinner locations announced
April 24, 2022: A provisional Detailed Program is available



Research Challenges in Information Science
16th International Conference, RCIS 2022, Barcelona, Spain, May 17–20, 2022

The conference proceedings can be downloaded free of charge for a limited time period
(4 weeks) by clicking the link below.

RCIS 2022 Workshops and Research Projects Track
co-located with the 16th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2022), Barcelona, Spain, May 17–20, 2022

Joint Proceedings
The joint proceedings can be downloaded free of charge by clicking the link below.

Scope and Topics

RCIS aims to bring together scientists, researchers, engineers and practitioners from a wide range of information science fields and to provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and dissemination. RCIS 2022 will continue paying attention to traditional topics at the conference; in addition, we solicit submissions aligned with the special theme as described next. The way information is captured, interpreted, transformed and used raises important ethical issues, such as who can access the information and to what extent, how bias can be avoided when interpreting and using information, and how fair are decisions made based on particular information artifacts. Moreover, trust is crucial in such context, as people become increasingly dependent on how information is handled. The more we need information to make critical decision, the higher the need to develop ethical and trustworthy information systems and services. Hence, this year, RCIS 2022 has chosen the theme Ethics and Trustworthiness in Information Science to be in the center of its reflections and discussions.

RCIS welcomes submissions from the whole spectrum of the information science field. The list of themes and topics includes, but is not limited to:

A1. Information Systems and their Engineering A2. User-Oriented Approaches
A3. Data and Information Management A4. Business Process Management
A5. Domain-specific IS Engineering A6. Data Science
A7. Information Infrastructures A8. Reflective Research and Practice


RCIS 2022 will be held in the vibrant Barcelona, organized by the Software and Service Engineering research group at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. More details here.

Past News
April 22, 2022: The list of the Research Projects accepted papers is available
April 21, 2022: The list of the DC accepted papers is available
April 19, 2022: The list of the Forum accepted papers is available
April 12, 2022: The list of the Main Track's accepted papers is available
March 16, 2022: third keynote speaker anounced, Florence Sèdes
March 16, 2022: Registration fees & policies available
February 16, 2022: Call for Journal-First Papers available
January 18, 2022: Forum papers' submission deadline extended
January 17, 2022: Abstract and paper submission deadlines for regular papers extended one week more
December 20, 2021: Venue location anounced
December 9, 2021: three collocated Workshops anounced
November 10, 2021: second keynote speaker anounced, Schahram Dustdar
November 2, 2021: first keynote speaker anounced, Barend Mons
October 27, 2021: Program Committee available
October 27, 2021: Call for Tutorials available
October 27, 2021: Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers available
October 18, 2021: Call for Research Projects @ RCIS Track available
October 7, 2021: Call for Forum Papers available
July 26, 2021: Call for Workshop Proposals available
July 20, 2021: The website is now available.

Research Challenges in Information Science Series