Anna Perini
FBK, Italy
Registration - Accommodation
RCIS 2021 features a track entirely devoted to presenting future or ongoing research projects (e.g., H2020 or ERC projects, national grants) in the context of information science. This track features a good opportunity for presenters to get feedback before submitting research project or to disseminate the intermediate results of their projects, and for participants to get an updated view of innovative ongoing research while getting in touch with potential research partners.
The Research Projects @RCIS Track follows a two-step publication process. Firstly, the authors should submit a 2 pages paper summarizing the objectives of the project and relevant results. Each submission will be peer reviewed on the relevance of the submitted paper in the context of RCIS. If the paper is accepted, the authors will have to register to the conference in order to present their work as a poster at the “Research Projects @ RCIS” session at RCIS. A discussant system will be organized to ensure proper feedback and discussions about the projects. Furthermore, the accepted 2 pages paper will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by Springer in the LNBIP series.
Beyond the special topic for RCIS 2021, the conference welcomes Research Projects submissions from any domain of Information Science. The list of interested topics includes, but is not limited to:
Information Systems and their Engineering
User-Oriented Approaches
Data and Information Management
Business Process Managements
Domain-specific IS Engineering
Data Science
Information Infrastructures
Reflective Research and Practice
Each submission will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the RCIS scientific committees, and should include:
Papers shall be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference proceedings template. To ensure uniformity, we have prepared ready-to-use templates for Word and LaTeX . References and appendices must be included within the 2 pages.
Papers can be submitted via Easychair ( by selecting the “ResearchProjects@RCIS2021” track.
For further questions please contact:
Denisse Munante, Télécom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Anthony Simonofski, UNamur and KU Leuven, Belgium