Keynote Speakers
Prof. Eric Dubois
CRP H. Tudor Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
On the role of Architectural models : what can we learnt from Information System and from Construction projects ?
Biography: Before to join the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST- (formerly CRP Henri Tudor) in 2000, Prof. Dr. Eric Dubois has had assignments both in the private (Philips Research Laboratory, S.W.I.F.T) and in the public research (Universities of Lorraine and of Namur).
Today, at LIST, he is the director of the “IT for Innovative Services” department, a group of 140 multidisciplinary people working in the research, development, and innovation related to the design of information intensive services and the management of their quality attributes. He is also Visiting Professor at University of Namur and lecturer at the University of Luxembourg.
Domains of interest are in information and service systems, requirements engineering, security risk analysis, business service engineering and business/IT alignment. He is the (co-) author of over 110 reviewed publications in these domains, supervised 6 PhD theses and was invited as a keynote in the EDOC’13, ASSRI’13, CAiSE’14 international conferences. He is a founding member of the IFIP 2.9. WG on Requirements Engineering and of the REFSQ series of conferences, he is currently member of the Editorial Board of the REJ journal. He serves as deputy chair to the IFIP WG 2.14/6.12/8.10 on Services-oriented Systems and is founding member of the conference on Exploring Services Sciences (IESS). He is member of the program board of CAiSE and RCIS international conferences.
Eric Dubois is member of the scientific steering committee of Innovacs at the Grenoble Innovation Institute. He has been member of the IT scientific commission of the Belgian FNRS (National Research National Council) and of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics) board of directors during 10 years.

Abstract: In construction projects, for many centuries, it is acknowledged the crucial role played by architectural plans as a central document shared by the architects and the different stakeholders. Today these plans are more and more becoming digital and information systems are used for managing associated standardized Building Information Models (BIM).
In information systems projects, the role played by architectures is more recent. From IT architectures, the role of Enterprise Architecture is now more and more emphasized for a better engineering and alignment of the business services and of their supporting information systems.
Despite different approaches, construction projects and IS projects can learn one from each other. In the keynote, we will stress two aspects. On the one hand, for IS projects, like with BIM, we need a standardized way of exchanging information about the different facets of an IS and of their alignment. On the other hand, for construction projects, there is a need for more requirements engineering, a discipline that we are familiar with in the IS domain. Last but not least, with the emergence of the “Building as a service” paradigm, we will suggest the benefit of coupling Building and IS architectures.
Ing. John Favaro
Software Consultant, Italy
Strategic Research Challenges in the Internet of Things
Biography: John Favaro is a consultant based in Pisa, Italy. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Software, and recently guest-edited a special issue on safety critical software. He was Program Chair of the 13th International Conference on Software Reuse in 2013, and in 2015 published a paper on knowledge reuse in innovation. He is technical coordinator of the SESAMO project for studying the interaction of safety and security in mission-critical embedded systems, and is involved in the implementation of automotive electronic systems according to the recent ISO26262 standard for functional safety. His work in the economics of IT development led to the principles of Value Based IT Management. He took his degrees in computer science at Yale University and the University of California at Berkeley.

Abstract: The number of endpoints in the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to be more than 50 billion by 2020 (feeding a market of nearly $11 billion). The sheer complexity of scale will have an effect not only within well-established areas like security and reliability, but also in the interaction between those areas. Humans in the loop will bring in elements of physiology and psychology, introducing safety relevant considerations within a context of uncertainty and unpredictability, and creating certification nightmares. Heterogeneity will be the norm rather than the exception. Best practices for IoT development are still emerging, and suitable test and validation environments are in their infancy. We will need to address the many research challenges of the Internet of Things in order to exploit the information that will be all around us.
Prof. Bénédicte Le Grand
Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
How can data (and graph) mining techniques support research in Information Systems?
Biography: Bénédicte Le Grand is a full Professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne since September 2012, and she is a member of CRI lab (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Paris 1). She is a telecommunication engineer and has been Associate Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie for 10 years.
Her research area is data mining (in particular graph mining) and the analysis of real-world complex networks such as the Internet or social networks. Since her arrival at CRI, she has been working on the application of these approaches to Information Systems.
She has published her work in international journals and conferences and has contributed to several books. She has also been working since 2004 as an expert for the European Commission.

Abstract: Daily uses of information systems generate large volumes of digital traces: queries on search engines, messages sent on Twitter, purchases on the Internet, new contacts in online social networks Users sometimes leave traces without even noticing!
These digital traces represent an extremely valuable source of information, provided that actual knowledge is extracted from them. In particular, the design and operation of the underlying information systems could be optimized in many ways, e.g., through personalization based on inferred user profiles, context-aware service recommendation, efficient resource allocation, process model extraction, etc.
In this keynote, we will give an overview of data (and graph) mining techniques that can (should!) be used to analyze digital traces generated by information systems. Data mining is widely used in many areas, such as biology, marketing, finance and security; we will study and illustrate its potential to support research in the Information System domain.

IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science 2015 (c)

RCIS 2014

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