RCIS'09   Research Challenges in Information Science - 2009
  Home > Program committee > Oscar PASTOR

Keynote Speaker of RCIS'09 Conference

Oscar Pastor is Professor and Head of Dept. at the Computation and Information Systems Department, Valencia University of Technology ( Spain).

PhD in 1992. Former researcher in HP Labs, Bristol, UK. Currently professor at the Valencia University of Technology. Author of over 100 research papers in conference proceedings, journals and books, received numerous research grants from public institutions and private industry. Research activities focus on web engineering, object-oriented conceptual modelling, requirements engineering, information systems and model-based software production.

Leader of the project, undertaken since 1996 by the Valencia University of Technology and CONSOFT S.A., that has originated the Oliva Nova Model Execution, an advanced MDA-based tool that produces a final software product starting from a Conceptual Schema where the system requirements are captured. Within this tool scope, he is responsible of the research team working from the University on the improvement of the underlying framework, focusing on Business Process Modelling, Web Technologies and how to use properly Software and Architectural Patterns to go from the problem space to the solution space in an automated way.

Member of over 100 Scientific Committees of well-known International Conferences and Workshops as CAiSE, ER, WWW, DSV/IS, RE, ADBIS, ICWE, CADUI, DEXA, EC-WEB, ICEIS..., member of several editorial boards of journals and book series, he has been a participant researcher in national and international research projects, and has been invited to give over 30 talks and invited conferences in different universities and research centers.
















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